Loved the drive today. Note: two lane highways are prettier than freeways.
I took tons of pictures - here a just some.
Stopped in Charlottesville, VA to see Scott and Kenon. They just moved here two weeks ago. It was so good to see them. I'm really sad I missed Tyler and Kade.
On my way to Kim and Duane's I called Kim's cell phone and got this greeting:
"Hi this is Kim's cell phone. I never check my messages so don't leave one. Try me at home."
This is the house that Duane built. It is so cool - wish you could see inside too.
The tooth fairy came tonight to see Jane.
This little girl is named after me - isn't Birgithe cute?
JK - Kim and Duane love their daughter. She's named Kate.
GPS: Today I said goodbye to Kathy from the United States and hello to Tim from the UK. Tim is much easier to listen to.

Before I left Kim and Duane tried to tell me my car was not working right and I couldn't leave - so sweet. No they were just concerned and helped me out - thanks.

Before I left Kim and Duane tried to tell me my car was not working right and I couldn't leave - so sweet. No they were just concerned and helped me out - thanks.
Gas Money:
- $43.46 ($3.58/gallon) - Somewhere, NC
- Running Total: $501.36
I am a little worried that you are taking pictures while driving.
I've been thinking about you... I checked the Stop 6... Good luck... Take it easy... There are 7-8 more stops... (this is Kim's neighbor - Shebnem)
I'm jealous.
Wahoo!! It was so fun to see you. Now you have to plan a REAL visit because the first thing Ty and Kade said when they got home was, "Is Katy still here?"
Don't worry Lez - I am careful. If you only knew what I can do while I drive - you wouldn't be worried about me taking pictures.
Kenon - I feel even worse about missing Tyler and Kade now. I miss you lots.
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