For the last two months since my knee surgery (ACL & LCL repair), I've felt like quite a wuss. I was still on crutches and after faithfully going to physical therapy and working hard, the progress was minimal. In fact, my bend actually got worse. Although it grossed me out to think about what they do to my knee during the manipulation surgery, I really wanted to do it. And yesterday they did it.
Helpful Niece
My niece, Kari took care of me for those first 24 hours that you are not supposed to be alone. She had to drive me to physical therapy twice and sleep over and basically babysit me. It was very kind of her. This is Kari with her new cousin, Milo:
New Nephew
Ann Dee also had her baby yesterday. Little Milo has red hair. It is pretty light so it could go blonde but I hope it stays red.

Since the beginning of January, I've started a new food plan which includes cutting out all sugar and flour. It is an amazing program and I've lost over 40 lbs in 3 months. Most of that time, I was unable to exercise, so there is your proof that weight loss is mostly about what you eat, not how much you exercise. I entered a contest sponsored by triathlon coach, Keena. Anyway, I won first place and the price money was $350 which will help tremendously to pay for this second surgery. I would like to spend the money on new clothes but that'll have to wait.
I'm still finding things to organize in my house. With my new food plan, I've been cooking so much more and I finally got frustrated enough with how my spices were organized that I found a system that works for me and my kitchen.
FHE is back
With this injury and surgery, my FHE schedule was messed up. I am happy to report that I have started it back up and my Monday nights are starting to book up again. Last Monday was FHE at the Browns. Amy's mom gave a great lesson about the ressurection and then we colored eggs. Did you know that you can decorate hot eggs with crayons? Totally cool. This most recent Monday, I went to the Carl Bloch exhibit at the MOA with a singles group and my friend Angela pushed my around in a wheelchair. It was a very cool exhibit and I was happy to be able to attend.
Turns out I'm not a wuss
After the manipulation, my surgeon came to see me and told me that it was a good thing we decided to do that surgery because he was able to break through scar tissue and heard popping etc. It made me feel so much better because it means I'm not a wuss. I have been able to move my knee so much better in both directions ever since. And yes, I'm on pain killers and yes, I have months and months of rehab ahead of me but this will save me so much time. This is one of my favorite T-shirts designed by my brother-in-law, Doug. Check out his other t-shirts: This is me and my cousin, Ann back in 2005 before the Provo Freedom Run.