Back by request - thanks Kristi!
Here is how you play: simply add a comment to this post with a quote you remember from the chosen movie. Pee Wee's Big Adventure was the first movie I ever posted but I never did another one. So in honor of our most recent holiday, I'm posting this movie:
Here is how you play: simply add a comment to this post with a quote you remember from the chosen movie. Pee Wee's Big Adventure was the first movie I ever posted but I never did another one. So in honor of our most recent holiday, I'm posting this movie:

My favorite quote: "Watch out for that first step - its a doozy!"
I loved this movie.
My grandparents had a real live "Groundhog" living on thier property. He was a hard one to spot. I believe on one or two occasions I saw him growing up running into his burrough. Ocne he hissed at my cousin and I as we tried to chase himfor a better look at him.
He was wild and untamed lived in the outer hills of the Smokey Mountains.
Groundhog day came and went without a thought for until I read your post. I laughed. I do remember a lovely crescent moon though early in morning looking out through my office window.
Peace Out,
"This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather."
"Ned Ryerson-got the shingles real bad senior year and almost didn't graduate? Bing!"
"People like blood sausages, too. People are morons."
How about those?
You don't know me, but you know my sister, Amy Stoddard. I lurk on your blog because I am just nosy like that.
Groundhog Day, one of my favorite movies!
"I'm a god. I'm not *the* God... I don't think."
"Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today."
Ned? Ned Ryerson?
Phil: Ned, I would love to stay here and talk with you... but I'm not going to.
"Who rang that bell?"
Morons, your bus is leaving...DCR by AOR
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