Well it depends on the phase of my life ...
Anyone who knew me in high school would say that I was a bulldog through and through. Some have even speculated that my blood was green. I might have been a bit overboard with my school pride but I loved Provo High.
I started teaching and coaching in American Fork in 2003. My first year I coached the ninth grade team. The next year I coahced the sophomore team and my third year I coached the JV team. That means that I coached the same girls for thee years straight.
When I was the sophomore coach at AF we played Provo High. I remember one of my basketball girls asking me if I was going to cheer for them when we played Provo High. I kinda looked at her and was like - of course I am, I'm your coach. I did have to think about if for a second.
As time went on and I spent more time with these girls, my loyalties to Provo High weakened and I became a Caveman. I even know the school song. These are my girls - the only three girls from that original group that made it through four years of Lady Cavemen basketball. I had them over to my house the other night and we talked about their futures. I kinda grew up again with these girls.
I could have gotten a job at any school and my loyalties would be with that school because I would get to know and love the people. Unless of course it was Timpview or Lone Peak.
you secretly cheered for provo because your niece played for them.. but i wont tell anyone.
Katie that is too funny. What you said about Lone Peak made me laugh, cause my nephew Kevin played for Lone Peak. So I actually cheered for them this past year. They won every game but one. They took the State Title. I had a hard time at first going to the gym and cheering for them. But I ended up a fan.
Then, at Snow I became best friends with Kamie Jo and she played at Payson. Now, I love the Lions. I still have no connection to the Bulldogs, so I still hate them. ;) J/K.
Go VIKINGS! Then, Now, Forever!
So, was there any loyalty to the Nittany Lion?
Yes - there is a bit of loyalty to the Nittany Lion - but only because of the cool people who became great frineds that I met in PA!
Didn't we go to high school in the early 90s? All I have to say is...GO COUGARS!!!!
Of course you are a Caveman. I'm right there with you. I would have definitely cheered for our AF kids over the OHS Tigers if I had been in your place. Gosh, I miss those kids. Seeing many of them on Facebook has helped tremendously.
Look who I found while blog hopping- the most famous Bulldog of all and now she claims to be a Caveman. I can't believe it. You may not recognize the name Darowski, but I'm sure Gooch rings a bell. I'm glad to see your as quick witted as ever. You've always made me laugh. I bet you are a great coach- as for me you can check me out at darowski.blogspot.
I know I'm a little late on this whole blogging thing. Infact I just learned about it when you called me the other night. Hello!!! Where have I been?
Anyway, about the whole Caveman thing. I think it all started on your mission, when your favorite comp was infact, a MIGHTY CAVEMAN!!! Good ole, AFH
All I have to say Katy is that I'm going to pretend that I didn't read those blasphemous words. Nothing against the cavemen, I'm sure they're special people and all, but, I can't believe you even need to ask!!! You bleed green & pee green! (and Don't forget it!!)
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