serving missions,

going to Disneyland,

writing books,

visiting Shasta - pretty much my favorite animal ...
My plan is to take two weeks in August (between semesters) and drive anywhere you are. If you are willing to put me up for a night (maybe even feed me dinner), please comment on this post. In your comment include your city, state, closest interstate highway, and closest Container Store.
I'll bring my blow-up mattress and my own bedding. I will need to borrow a towel. I want to start in Provo, make it all the way east and then eventually end up back in Provo. I know that cuts out all you who live west of Utah - sorry I'll come see you later. Now if I can't find stops that are less than 8 hours apart, my trip will not happen. So even if I don't know you but my friend knows you, I'll consider staying with you. Wouldn't you be so lucky?
In return for your hospitality, I will do any or all of the following for you:
- play you a song on the violin (you provide the violin)
- play you a song on the harmonica (I will provide the harmonica)
- tell you some jokes
- give you a spiritual thought
- go to your local tourist attraction with you (you plan the excursion)
- take some pictures of you and your family
- blog about you
- let you see the live animals at the MLBM next time you are in Provo
- take you to P712 next time you are in Orem (I'll even buy)
- give you your own signed copy of "This is What I Did:"
- give you a session with my personal trainer
- buy you a massage
- buy you a pedicure
- buy you a Senuous Sandwich
- get you an autograph from ANY of the Lady Cavemen
Larry thinks it sounds like a great idea but he wants me to sign up for AAA first - what a protective Dad.
So ... are you in? I must be sick of this darn cold weather!
I'm glad I'm not west of Utah anymore! We're in Evanston, IL but since we just moved here, I'm not so sure about the rest of the info. Find your way to Chicago and we can get you here from there! We would LOVE for you to come visit us! Being the ultimate planner that I am, you will not be disappointed!
Oh, and we even have an extra bed you could sleep on, you could give your air mattress a rest while you're here.
You know you have 2 stops in San Diego with the Emily and Lisa.
You should just take Tyson with you. PS. where did you get that cool pic of me and dad?
You can stay with me in Pleasant Grove-what a great start to your trip! You can play with my 3 (yes, 3) labrador doggies, join me and my family in a rousing game of Uno Attack, and I will even treat you to the biggest and best attraction in town...Taco Amigo!
I would LOVE, LOVE to have you come to my house in PA. We are in the perfect location on the east coast right in the middle of New York and Washington DC just a two hour drive either direction. Also close to Amish country and in the heart of where this great country got its start. We have a lovly guest room so leave the air bed in the back seat.
Thanks Ronni, Patty and Mars. You are on the map!
Dan - that actually isn't a bad idea to take Tyson. Would he go crazy in the car for that long and would Amy even allow it? Maybe I could take Jack too. Hmm.
Also that picture of you and Dad was one I found when I went through all those slides for Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary. I'll email it to you. There is another one that is more clear but not as close up.
Bug girl - don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you!
is st george out of the loop?
Wish I could come!
Yes Ellen - I think St. George could work! We'll see...
PJ - just so you know, I've already been to PG. I think it is cool that you are PJ from PG.
Amber - just come. You can get away right? Rich won't care.
Hi, I am Emily and Ellen's aunt and I live in Denver. You are welcome to crash at my house if you need to! I even have a bed for you! Peggy
what about just directly north? You can come to Highland. ;) It's a very adventurous place I'm told.
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. Just off I-90, 45 minutes West of Boston, MA. We can go see the Old North Church, Bunker Hill, Boston Common, Quincy Market, Fenway Park (and we can perhaps catch a Red Sox game), Lexington & Concord and many other fun sights. And then there is the food. Best cannoli you have ever had from Mike's Pastry. Hundreds of Italian restaurants in the North End. Oh, we will take you to dinner. We have a guest bedroom across the hall from the G-Man's room, so you'll have the pleasure of rooming across from your favorite second cousin once removed. Plus, the Ben & Jerry's factory is a scant three hours away. We also have a Container Store in Natick, MA, which is on our way to Boston and sits adjacent to a mall containing an Apple Store as well as many other fancy, fancy shops.
So, you're coming here, right?
you are always welcome in the Heart of America...KC FOR KatyB...yipee
bed provided...
we also have a lovely vacation home in the Heart of the Ozarks in Arkansas...don't judge me back!
That is a lot of heart for the heart ya girl! aor
This is coming along nicely! I've got great friends (and family - thanks first cousin once removed)!
and thanks second cousin (our grandpas are brothers) - I might use both stops!
and thanks ellen and emily's aunt! I was worried about my Denver stop.
Knighty, I finally set up an account so I can comment on your awesome blog. I think that is totally an awesome idea! I want to come! I am sure Adam would take time off work to play daddy for two weeks. Why not start off heading up North and stop by and say Hi at least. Layton is a way happening place and I would hate for you to miss out.
Katie -Adam won't mind. Just come. Sorry but I think I'm going to start going south. Save the good times in Layton for another time.
Molly in Georgia??? Oh...and you obviously aren't going to San Diego because it's west...oops.
Put Gainesville, FL on your trip. I can then give you 2 t-shirts, one for you and one for your brother, who have been so patient in waiting for them. We can go to The Swamp, I can introduce you to Urban, and we can go to Disneyworld!
Arlington, VA, just 2 hours from Marianne! We are literally 5 minutes from downtown DC, so put us on the map! Remember when you stayed with us in Indiana on your way home from PA?
Katy. Put Winston Salem North Carolina on your map! Once you come though you may never leave because next to Utah, North Carolina is the best State! We have a King size bed just for you and Duane is famous for his breakfasts. We can visit the smokies and the beautiful coast of North Carolina! If you need someone just four hours North, Becca is in DC. I can't wait!! Yahhooo!
You can also get a t-shirt from our University, Wake Forest. We were present for the whopping they gave BYU last week. See you this summer!
WOOHOO! I am SO EXCITED! Come & stay, more than a night! We would love it! We've got a bed and towels for you too. Plus we can take you to worlds best bbq (Oklahoma Joes) the greatest custard place (Sheridans) and lots of fun sites if you want to go! I hope you come for a couple of days there is so much I am excited to show you!!! Can't wait, keep me posted!
Forgot to mention in my comment though you know that we're in Kansas City, Kansas...put us on the map!
Okay, so put Austin on the list becuase if the biggest bidder wins come on our place backs up to the bird preserve! Bring the binocs, and the books and we are set. The container store is only 30 min. away on 183. Plus we have Mary Ima!!! Hey, KTB we might be spending some major time this Summer in Utah, let's hang. Oh and whoever Lindsey is don't you love Urban?...He will always be immortal for what he did for the Utes. KTB we can't wait for you to come!!!
i just emailed you... PLEASE make a stop in phx and stay w/ me!
Hey, I'm tagging you...
Thanks Linds (Florida) and Linds (KC). Thanks Kim. Thanks Carrie Margaret. Thanks Becky. Thanks Vanessa. This is working out nicely. I have the greatest friends!
put moscow on the map! no guest bed, but gosh i could really use that massage. . .
YEAH!! Come to DC. .Your room is waiting. I mean a road trip like that just has to include the Hales. . . oh and the nation's capital :). Can't wait!
Talk about GET OUT THE MAP AND LAY YOUR FINGER ANYWHERE DOWN!!! Arizona would love to defrost your toesie as you set out on your trip. We only need a 5 minute heads up that your coming! You'll even have your own bed.
--Marsha Cobbley Provonsha
Katy, you always have a place to stay in Georgia! I'll scare up some Southern fried treats surely to satisfy your intuitive eating plan! We are 3 hours from the east coast...can't get much further east than that!
If you feel like helping with the irrigating or bucking hay, you can crash with my family in CO--'bout an hour north of Denver :)
Jen - I'd be glad to drive to Russia but since you don't have a bed for me, I'll have to pass this time!
Thanks Mary W. I've stayed with you before in DC - remember? Twice actually!
How could I not stop in Katy, TX? Thanks Jill
Nice IG reference Marsha - I think you just picked my road trip theme song.
I knew you'd come through Molly!
Thanks SaraJoy - I'd love to meet your family!
Katy!!!! This is genius. This is great. I still volunteer my services as co-pilot.
Unfortuantely I am one of those people who live west of Utah and am extremely disappointed in your route. HELLLLLO, do you want to be an east coast wife or you just think the men have more money the closer they get to the eastarn seaboard. Crazy day Katy Knight.
RIDICULOUS that you are not including the West coast! WHATEVER! You could go through the north of Nevada, visit San Fran and make your way down to San Diego, and then cruise through Vegas and Arizona on the way into Texas. You are missing out on very Mormon states! We even have bedding for you. Seriously. Come on!(ps, thank you Kenon for your support)
Really! I am enraged. I will GIVE you a towel if that is what it takes. I can make breakfast. We have the ocean for heaven sakes? how are you passing this up. I will teach you to surf...come on!
Lisa and Dori -
Here is the deal: you find me a date and I'll plan a weekend to come and see you via airplane. I just couldn't see how I could logically fit the west coast into my road trip. You understand?
too bad you're not stopping in Iowa you'd be more than welcome to stay here....For shizzle :)
First of all, how do you know Macy? We were in their ward last year when we lived in MA!
Okay look- I'm sure your friends in Evanston are nice and all, but you can't roll through Chi-town without staying a little closer to downtown. We are 30 seconds from the 90/94 interstate, a 5 minute walk to a train stop, less than a mile from a Container Store, and we can introduce you to some awesome restaurants.
Just let us know!
Are you going to stay with us, Katy? We'll be here the whole month of August, so we are available anytime! Let me know!
Leave the air mattress in the car, we have a bed ready for you here in Baton Rouge!
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