HELP - I want to cook yummy things like you do. Check this out. It's all for a good cause.
Did anyone see 30 rock last week? It's all about body image. Way to go Tina Fey. Check it out, it is the episode called "Jack gets in the game"

Paper diet - maybe I should try it. Just joshin - no more diets EVER!!!

I know I'm not supposed to go on diets but the thing is, you can eat all the paper you want and that is SOOOOOOO liberating.
I didn't see it, but your pictures have intrigued me. . .I am going to watch and pop some paper when I do.
Do you think colored paper has a different flavor than white paper?
What if you intuitively craved paper? What then? Huh?
berg- i really need to leave you a blog about the missh however i am not sure were to put it, this is nikie by the way, so i will put it here with food. so about your forgetting most of the missh well i totally did that they other day i had to give a lesson in primary on missionary work and so i thought i would glote(however that is spelled) and bring in some pics of peopel i "tized" well wouldn't you know i couldn't remeber hardly any of there names. honesly am i bad? i feel like i should feel bad but haven't gotten there yet.
That was one of the best 30 rocks ever! You have good taste my friend.
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