when my friends are breast feeding over the phone. It's easy if you are observant - you hear a fussing baby pretty close to the phone and then suddenly the fussing stops. At that moment, the mother, who never stopped talking to you, has a change in her voice - relief. If the baby is old enough you can actually hear the kid. I don't know how I feel about people breast feeding in front of me. It makes me uncomfortable but then its like why? They obviously don't care and maybe I should be complimented that they feel close enough to me to do that. Kim will even send me a picture of her while breast feeding via email - now that is friendship. I've never breast fed anyone but I'd do it if I had my own kid and I'd be a wet nurse for Ann Dee's baby, Mr. Baby. (By the way, if you really want to know what her baby's name is, email me and I'll let you know.) Thank goodness I don't have to do that - it's a little too "Grapes of Wrath" for me.
Mr. Baby is so funny when he breast feeds. He is such a curious baby that if there is any noise at all around while he is eating, he will pop right off and check out what is going on. Karen and I like to call his name while he is eating because it is so funny when he comes off and it makes Ann Dee mad. Our Mom told us to knock it off but then she actually joined in the fun and tried it out herself. Mr. Baby responded to his grandma just like he did his bratty aunts.
That'll learn Grandma....if you can't beat 'em, just join 'em.
Hi Katy.
Love Lindsey.
Ok, that totally cracks me up as a mom who nurses while on the phone.
Shh, don't tell.
What's better, nursing on the phone or potty on the phone? Because you know people are doing that too.
Hi Lindsey!
Azucar - I'd say potty on the phone is worse cause you either have to flush and make a big distracting noise or you leave your business there until later to flush. That is gross and maybe you forget about it later and then people come over and use your bathroom ...
I guess if you had kids you could just blame the "not empty" toilet on them.
Keep nursing on the phone!
What about nursing while using the potty and on the phone. It's been done before . . . I think. I'm not sure.
Have I nursed in front of you? Have you accidentally seen my breast? I can't imagine the emotional scarring you have from all of our carelessness.
Breastfeeding is fine and all, just don't do it during Sacrament Meeting or in Sunday School while you're sitting next to my husband. That's what a mother's room is for.
The mother's room at the church always smells so putrid. I am just saying.
Did I ever tell you about the time i got the one-eyed salute on the first day in the mission field in Uruguay? I was trying to teach the first principle of my first discussion, just reading the spanish as best I could and I look up to ask the first big question and BAM -- BOOB CITY!
Sorry for breastfeeding last night in your beautiful apartment/flat/condo except I had to and you said it was okay so oh well. P.S. I found your blog!!! Lennon thought you were nice and wants to bring friends to your place sometime for more milk.
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