This is a little late. I've been home from Philadelphia for a few weeks now. But anyway, the last day I went with this lady on a little adventure.

Meet Rieta - my boss' wife.

We walked a good two miles to get to the Philadelphia Museum of Art and we didn't even go in.

We saw things things on our way - the love statue, the thinker and some lichen.

We both ran up the stairs of the museum like that boxer guy.

Yup - that guy.
I have started to train like Rocky for the triathlon. I've stopped now - it's got a little too "million dollar babyish." Enjoy this video.
By the way, Friday after work I completed my very own triathlon. Read about it here on my Intuitive Eating blog.
I wanted to document a few more things about that trip. First the iphone map application was so awesome to use in a big city especially when you have no car. It uses GPS to guide you as you walk - loved it.

The last keynote speaker was great.

His name is Malcolm Gladwell and he talked about how hard work and determination is more important than raw talent. It was truly inspirational.
OH man is that video hilarious. My favorite is when your mom is punching you, and the punching bag balloon. Classic.
You have out-done yourself with this video. Scott and I were dying over your mom. :)
Thank you for a Sunday AM laugh. I enjoyed that video immensely.
Best video ever. You're a champ.
Don't I get a shout-out for this vid? I like the how it turned out. Well done!!!
That video was awesome. I am still laughing.
Also, I am unspeakably jealous you got to hear Malcolm Gladwell speak. He's one of my personal heroes.
Maybe I'll repent of the jealousy later. But probably not.
You and Rocky truly inspire me.
Ohhhh. That video is so damn funny. Love it!
Sylvester Stallone was seriously so freaking hot. Mmm.
Wait, that wasn't Rocky in every shot in the video?!
Yo, Katy!
Ok I gotta go back to see the video. Did you really get to hear Malcom Gladwell in person. He is Tom's FAVORITE. Just read "Outliers" It was awesome.
Punching the ziploc meatbag and your mom punching your gut. AWESOME!!!!
You are so funny! Love the video
Freaking Awesome!
I realize I'm a little late, but a couple posts down you had a pic of a market in philly you went to. Was it the Reading Terminal Market? Cuz I love that place! I stayed in the hotel above it when I was there for a convention. We went there every day. I love that amish people run some of the stands and shops, it was the coolest place ever. It was National Treasure, fyi.
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