Today my personal trainer told me I was an advanced client. Wanna see what that looks like?

Yeah, pretty much like that.
I can do exercises like you wouldn't believe. I mean lunges while he throws a medicine ball at me and stuff. I don't mean to brag but it's hard to be humble when you are an advanced client.

Yeah, pretty much like that.
I can do exercises like you wouldn't believe. I mean lunges while he throws a medicine ball at me and stuff. I don't mean to brag but it's hard to be humble when you are an advanced client.
Oh so THAT'S what an advanced client looks like.
Maybe you should get yourself yo own clients, yo.
you rule!
I wish I was an advanceed client...
Umm, I meant advanced. Maybe I should try to be an advanced speller first...
wow! that's, um, awesome.
What a WOMEN! Way to go ktb you are a star! I keep checking my mail for the book you promised : )
You have sexy calves.
Your legs have to be pretty white to be advanced. Wow. :-) Awesome.
Yeah Katy, could I borrow the can of white paint you just to paint your legs?
you just USED to paint your legs...(I meant to do that.)
i don't know about's more egg shell than white.
You're Hot!
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