Three years ago I bought this 2 foot Christmas tree. I bought these cool basketball lights at a yard sale. This year a very wise person informed me that my little tree was tacky and I should take it to work and put it in my office. I usually do whatever this wise person says so I followed her instructions and got this tree.

Is it weird that I was not concerned about my tacky two foot basketball light tree in my new condo but then insisted that my new tree matched the furniture?
Ummm, yeah. It is weird. Who is the wise one? And I think she should be paid lots because that tree really is/was tacky. It might scare the dead animals.
That is one nice tanenbaum.
KTB - I am glad to see you graduating to a "grown up" tree! You are growing up so fast! :)
I want to know the light trick.
Both trees look GREAT in there new homes.
Mars -
Since you live far away and cannot come over to figure out the trick, I got permission to share the trick from Kathy. You buy some fake grapes from a Craft Store and pull them off and stick them on your lights. It's that easy. They will not burn up and start a fire either.
I would like to see a picture of the Halloween Witch next to the 2 ft. tree.
But the big, true Christmas Tree is beautiful!
Katie, I am so proud. It is a beautiful tree, we will have to come see it in person.
thanks for sharing the secret...looks great!AOR
I prefer the two foot tree with the basketball lights. When is your friend sending me the Florida t-shirt? Or is she all talk?
Ponty - If you read this - call me. I tried to call you tonight but the number I have for you doesn't work. I don't like to lose touch and I don't have any other contact information for you! What is up with that? If you do not read this then don't give it to me, fine.
Thanks ktb I'm on my way to the craft store now. Hummm I wonder what else I can use fake grapes for?
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