At the beginning of 2010, I entered the lottery to compete in the Spudman (my first olympic triathlon) on July 31st.
And I got in. I paid the $70+ registration fees.
My training has been spotty. I was pretty consistent in the month of June but so far July has been a bust. And now I'm sick. I have some kind of stomach bug. I'm really tempted to just bail on the whole thing.
I'm needing some advice from the virtual world. Should I still do it? Or not?
Do it dude!
DO IT! At worst you float down the Snake river... You can do it!
Um, do it. The stomach thing will pass. You will be good to go.
You will regret not doing it and you will probably never regret doing it (during the event of course you will regret it but when it is all over you will be oh so glad).
You know you'll be so happy to be there while you're racing.
Do it.
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