Thursday, July 2, 2009

He sang while I ran

In the past I have found comfort in making fun of or even disparaging my personal trainer. Well today he did something that really endeared him to me.

Lets set this up ...
For some reason when the company that runs the personal trainers at the Golds gym went digital they lost track of exactly how many sessions I had credit for. Anyway - it was a big mess and I'm pretty sure I'm getting screwed. The bottom line is, I have a bunch of sessions that I need to use by the end of July or they go away and I don't get credit for them. So in order to use them, I've been doing hour long sessions with Eric. We lift for the first half hour (like normal) and then we do some cardio interval training. This is killer. I hate it. Last time was biking. Today was jogging on the treadmill. I'm not a good runner. I thought I was going to die. Plus the treadmill scares me. Well during the last minute of my last interval I really thought this was it. I was done. He started singing to me - "she's a maniac" and then humming the theme from Rocky (I don't event think he's seen my training video). It made me laugh and I was able to finish. This guy is kinda shy and quiet so for him to do this was a bit unusual.

OK folks - I've committed. August 8th (the day before I turn 33) I am going to complete this triathlon in Bountiful.

To get ready for this event, I've signed up to run in the 5K Freedom Run on Saturday and participate in the Moonlight Bike Ride on Antelope Island next Friday.

I also discovered that there is a special faculty and staff swim time at BYU from noon-1 PM. Way less crowded than in the morning plus I don't have to wake up at 5 freaking thirty anymore!

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