Before I tell you about the phone call, let me share a bit (OK a lot) about my summer of '96 (I think Bryan Adams was really singing about that summer - not '69).
I lived at the Enclave #105 with these girls.

and these girls

and these girls - Amy's cousin Mandy lived there too but I couldn't find a picture with her.

I turned 20 while living there - these girls came by from Liberty Square to wish me happy birthday.

I worked at the BYU bookstore with Amy Jo and these good friends who I got to see on my dating tour across America.

I bought my first car - yes it was a VW... duh. I bought it from Jayne and Katie's parents.

One of my roommates, Danielle, married this guy who lived upstairs.

I shoved conditioner up this up this guy's nose - somehow Amy got involved too.

I met this friend, Laura Cooper, through Amy and have worked for Laura's dad ever since. Those are leaves hanging off our belts - we were a bit nerdy.
Good thing I'm not nerdy like that anymore ...

I did some rapping and awesome hip hop dancing with Amy and Danielle.

Big John Tate visited often and played games on my ancient Macintosh computer (we didn't even have the internet back then - in fact we thought we were so cool because we had caller ID).

We went to Vegas with these boys (the SPGs) and I had a huge crush on the handsome dark-haired one. I was the only one not old enough to gamble.

In an attempt to inspire this handsome, dark-haired boy into loving me, I hung this portrait of me above his bed. It didn't really work but the picture became a permanent fixture in their apartment for the rest of the semester - I think it was kind of a joke.

and these girls

and these girls - Amy's cousin Mandy lived there too but I couldn't find a picture with her.

I turned 20 while living there - these girls came by from Liberty Square to wish me happy birthday.

I worked at the BYU bookstore with Amy Jo and these good friends who I got to see on my dating tour across America.

I bought my first car - yes it was a VW... duh. I bought it from Jayne and Katie's parents.

One of my roommates, Danielle, married this guy who lived upstairs.

I shoved conditioner up this up this guy's nose - somehow Amy got involved too.

I met this friend, Laura Cooper, through Amy and have worked for Laura's dad ever since. Those are leaves hanging off our belts - we were a bit nerdy.
Good thing I'm not nerdy like that anymore ...

I did some rapping and awesome hip hop dancing with Amy and Danielle.

Big John Tate visited often and played games on my ancient Macintosh computer (we didn't even have the internet back then - in fact we thought we were so cool because we had caller ID).

We went to Vegas with these boys (the SPGs) and I had a huge crush on the handsome dark-haired one. I was the only one not old enough to gamble.

In an attempt to inspire this handsome, dark-haired boy into loving me, I hung this portrait of me above his bed. It didn't really work but the picture became a permanent fixture in their apartment for the rest of the semester - I think it was kind of a joke.

Amy called to let me know that her wonderful, humble, kind father had recently passed away and would I attend the funeral on Saturday. Of course I said I'd be there. I immediately called a couple of mutual friends who live out of town hoping they could make it to the funeral. Neither of them could and so I was asked to give hugs on their behalf etc. I didn't want to go by myself so I decided to ask a boy to go with me.
I did and he said yes and we went and it was nice and I cried.
I was reminded about how important the gospel is in our lives and how the Lord only takes our spirits when we die - we leave every earthly possession behind. I like funerals not because I like it when people die but because I am always reminded of what is most important.
Amy Jo has always been a good friend and example. I love spending time with her kids. I thought she did a great job speaking today at the funeral.
As we were leaving, I ran into a friend who I hadn't seen in years and I introduced her to my date as the one roommate who tried extra hard to never see my bare butt (I thought mooning was sooooo funny back then).
My date laughed hysterically and I think I scared my old roommate's husband a bit.
This whole experience reminded me of those days at Enclave #105 and that is why I just blogged about it all.
Katy you are bringing tears to my eyes. Tell Amy I send my love. I don't know if it gets any more fun than when we were 20. It may get more meaningful but more fun??? You are my Mormon party hero!
Lovely post! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I don't think I could ask for better, more loyal friends!!! Sometimes it takes a funeral to make you appreciate the importance of those in your life. Glad to hear Amy did well speaking...what a strong gal! Love you all ladies.
Small world. You are talking about the father of my good friend and neighbor.
Thanks for the post Katy! Fun seeing those pictures of us-those were definitely good times! Last week I was looking at a bunch of doubles I had and there were a few of those in there! Crazy! It was so good seeing you at the funeral-so funny about your bare butt-I think Ben was confused! :) Sorry, you didn't get my email about Amy's dad, thanks for updating your email address for me-I'm glad Amy got ahold of you to let you know. Amy's family did such an amazing job and the funeral was really beautiful. They are amazing people and we will all miss her dad so much. Ditto on what Danielle said about funeral making you realize what is important in life. My parents and I were talking about that last night about how we all can do better and be more kind, etc like our Dr. John.
Look at all those Liberty Square girls!
Even though I never lived in Enclave #105 your blog reminded me on when I lived in Enclave #214. I think that's where I met you.....or was it when I had flowers hanging from my belt too.
Ha ha...the Enclave was short lived for me but definitely memorable. Good to find your blog.
I echo azu'car -- look at those liberty square girls.
And I echo -- wendy lives just down the street.
I'm glad to have met you face-to-face on Saturday at the gym.
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